
Showing posts from March, 2020

Corona cases increase

The number of corona  cases is increasing continuously worldwisee. The number of deaths increased  to more than 30000.The updation  as on 30.03.2020 morning as per WHO.

Stay home stay safe

All measures as possible from different countries are seen undertaken to combat the present pandemic of COVID-19 affecting in 200 countries throughout the world. International Olympic Committee has already announced postponement of 2020 ,Tokyo Olympic ,decision taken alongwith Government of Japan. The death toll as reported by World Health Organisation ,raised to 21,031  with 4,65,915 cases globaly.

Ignorance resists Happiness

Here is a 'slocka',originally from ancient  Sanskrit scripture; "Aalasaysya kuto Vidya, Aavidyasya kuto Dhanam !Aadhanyasa kuto Mitra Aamitrasya kutah Sukham! It means ,the person who have laziness cannot acquire education or knowledge .Ignorance  brings poverty .A wealthless  have no friends .And if someone do not have friends he cannot get happiness. Aalasaysya  means Laziness or ignorance. Vidya -- knowledge. Dhanam-- Money ,wealth. Mitra --Friends,companion. Sukham meaning Happiness.

:COVID-19 Test kit :

India's  first indigenous COVID-19 indigenous testing kit has been developed by a group of scientists at Mylab Discovery solutions put. Ltd. based at pune,Maharashtra. This kit have been approved by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). A single kit cost is said to be INR 80000. One kit could be used for testing  100 Patients, the report said. The kit named as Mylab PathoDetect COVID-19 Qualitative PCR .

100% Lockdown

In India lock down imposed by the Government throughout the country for next 21 days to combat with the corona virus.However all the essential services will remain open for public requirement of essential commodities. Citizens are to keep inside their homes maintaining social distancing during this time period. As there is no alternative ,all are requested to maintain social distancing as the COVID19 virus spreads so quickly. Prime Minister of India addressed the nation  and focused on the importance of social distancing at right time so that the virus is not spread.

Lock down

In many states in India lock down announced by the respective state governments as protective measures.All major cities and districts in Uttarpradesh are under lock down till March 25th  2020.Delhi the capital city of India is under  lock down till 31st  March 2020 in this context.All international flights offices bus and taxi services will remain closed during time. However all employees would be considered present on their roll.Only the essential services will remain open for public requirement.Citizens are requested to maintain social distancing and to avoid social gatherings so that the corona virus is not spread.This lock down is imposed in some other states also including Maharastra where maximum of 79 corona virus positive are reported till date.Lock down also imposed in other states which includes Bi, jharkhand,Uttarakhand,AndAndhrapradesh,Rajasthan,Telengana,Punjab,Kashmir.

Tree fallen on 11KV Cable line

Yesterday evening had a thunderstorm with lightning  rain for few minutes.Suddenly there was a heavy sound and dazzling fire seen  for few seconds in front of our house just 100 metres away.In one house there is a mobile tower at top and by the side of our house there is 11 KV HT electric cable line .On enquiry we have seen that a beetle nut tree fallen on that cable causing fire and that big sound.It was a fearful situation.lights were off for few minutes and came after 15 minutes.within next  half an hour ,on complain ,electricity personnel came and with their intelligent way the tree was cut off safely and removed from the cable . The situation became normal .


Due to the pandemic COVID19 worldwide people facing  various difficulties causing stress and boredom.As the daily routine is in a change or in disruption and social attachment losing .Institutes,restaurants ,parks closed ,events gets cancelled losing freedom etc. So it is a time to organise lifestyle doing good to each other.

Raja RamMohan Rai

This refers to the video uploaded by respected sri Gupteswar Pandey DGP,Bihar when he visited London ,recently to attend official conference.I was impressed to see the video showing while on his car travelling from London to Bristol, a 100 miles journey. The purpose of his visit to Bristol was to pay respect to the great reformer of India Raja Rammohan Rai at statue outside Bristol cathedral.The video was made on public request and it was mentioned that though UK is a small country,it has much advancement and development.People of England are wellbehaved, punctual and obey to the laws of their country with equality in society with respect for each other. It may be mentioned that Raja Ram mohan Rai challenged traditional Hindu culture and fought for women's right ,including an end to 'satidah' ,the practice of widow burning.The DGP at the end of the video mentioned,'sare jaha se accha Hindustan Haamara '.

Meeting daily wage earner

In the morning I met a group of daily wage earners.Some of them are known to me.All were sitting under a tree listening to regional news channel on a mobile network.I stopped and listened the news along with them.It was announced that all the educational Institutions will remain closed till 29th March.Though there is no case of corona pandemic in the state of  Assam till date govt.has taken a decision as a precautionary measure.All cinema halls also will remain closed.I had some talk with them and came back.It was there work site.Many people are seen wearing protective mask on there way.


The Holi ,the festival of colour in India.It is the time of change of weather.Starting of Basanta or summer .It falls on full moon. Holi brings change in nature .All plants seen with new leaves.It is an enthusiasm.Happy Holi to all.Peace prosperity and abundance with good health is the wish for all friends.In this day people deletes misunderstanding with each if happens and renews for a cordial relationship and friendship for a better life.

International Woman's Day

On 8th March celebrating Womans day.There was a question on Facebook page of Life points market research as who is the most influential woman in your life ?Some people wrote about their mother,wife,sister or daughter.Some took name of some artist name as their influential or most liked woman on their life.My poll went to my mother Late Aruna Dutta whom I lost last year May .I show my respect to all women around the globe and wishing fortune happiness and good health.

Electricity disconnect

No electricity at our home from morning.Thought  it will resume after some time as usual.Normally there is cut in electricity connection and it resumes after some time.shortage of electricity.But it did not come at 7p.m.All housese in our have the lights on except of us.So I lodged a complaint to the department and they said first that there is a transformer problem ,man are working, wait and see for sometime.At 8p.m.I wrang again I informed that current has yet not come.At around 9 p.m. I received a call and said ,go and see our people at main road going to attend the complain.Hurriedly I met the people who came and found a cable on the pole is damaged and asked me to get the cable at our cost of around 1000 rupees.After some negotiation the work was done on paid basis.It was an experience how on the cable was worn out at the top of the pole.The current resumed after almost twelve hours.presently electricity supply is alright except during some bad weather conditions as reviewed on 5