
Showing posts from August, 2020

Bank transaction

 A friend found it difficult to withdraw emergency money due to link not  available or bank staff on leave in a small branch. His ATM card not active and no cheque book with him . After experieing  a week follow up ,ultimately he received special help from lead bank when he approached with a complain .He would not have the withdrawal problem if he had cheque book or active ATM card. He telephoned and explained that he did noteven  had cash to manage his household food items. He withdrawn some money from his account by leadership bank assistance.


 From my playing guitar number.

No link

 One of my friend from Nawgaon district from Assam expressed over phone about his difficulties faced regarding withdrawal of money from bank as internet link is not available for last 4 days. Several consumers are  facing hard time  due to the above fact. Covid19 cases are in increase everyday. Total affected corona virus in the state of Assam is 92619 and death toll at 252.  I am enclosing a guitar tune here.

74th Independance day

 India celebrating independence day. This  is a day of inspiration and showing respect and remembrance of martyrs.  This time it is being observing with covid19 protocol. Happy Independance day .

Intermittent fasting benifits ?

 Yes ,fasting is observed by many people. Especially it is observed as spiritual and health reasoning.In all religion it is performed in different occasions.  Does it have any health benifits ?Evidence just keeps growing in favour of intemittent   fasting. It can have health benifits including obesity ,neurological disorders ,heart disease etc.,experts says. Initialy  it may be difficult due to experiencing hunger or irritability but the side effects usually disappears within a month .people normally observes the fasting for 12 to 16 hours.


 Night curfew. Market closed on Saturdays and Sundays.  Found some money from Bank  ATM after three days visit .ATM did not have cash earlier. Scarcity of fresh  green vegetables and fruits.Ordered some groceries online on 19 july on paid but the goods not yet received. Thanks to the milk man and the paid water supplier who is always punctual.

Hot days

In our place ,it is hot throughout the day unexpectedly.The mercury shows 32 degree centigrade at day  time but the feeling of heatness is that of 42 degree.The sun is bright and it is happening for last one week throughout the state of Assam .